These have not been actively maintained lately

# Style Guides

# Books

# Repos

# Video

# Other Useful Sites

# UI Frameworks

  • Covalent - a UI platform built on Angular 2.0 + Material Design
  • UI Bootstrap - Bootstrap components written in pure AngularJS
  • Angular Material - Material design for AngularJS
  • AngularStrap - AngularJS 1.2+ native directives for Bootstrap 3
  • LumX - The first responsive front-end framework based on AngularJS & Google Material Design specifications
  • Suave UI is designed for web-applications based on AngularJS. It consists of CSS definitions, directives and services that helps build UI quick and efficiently.
  • NativeScript - create native mobile apps using Angular 2.
  • XComponents - Create an AngularJS app with Cards and Lists using Bootcards

# Tools

  • Batarang is a Chrome Plugin for debugging and profiling AngularJS
  • ng-inspector is a browser extension for Chrome, Safari and Firefox that adds an inspector pane to help you develop, debug and understand your AngularJS applications
  • gulp-angular-templatecache concatenates and registers AngularJS templates in the $templateCache.
  • gulp-ng-annotate - Add angularjs dependency injection annotations with ng-annotate
  • angular-hint - Run-time hinting for AngularJS applications
  • angular-kickstart - Speed up your AngularJS development with a complete and scalable build system that scaffolds the project for you

You can search for Angular Modules at ngmodules.org

# Data/Communication

# Layout

# Input

# Lists and Grids

# Maps

# Misc Presentation

# Spinners

# Charts

# Dates and Calendars

# Misc

Updated: 1/13/2019, 7:48:45 PM